Salesforce Manufacturing Cloud – Winter ‘22 Release has one very exciting feature that may not have received enough attention! Manufacturing Cloud now supports “Partner Visit Management”
In the Oil Industry, bit sales and other 3rd-party vendors build a site visit plan and drive to each individual location dropping off and picking up inventory. Pharmacology reps provide onsite support (and lunch) to many doctors and dental offices. Medical device or high-tech equipment reps who require onsite visits that are more than service calls also come to mind. If you have a run rate business, where your sales or service reps travel onsite, this may be a feature that calls to you.
What is great about Manufacturing Cloud is that Sales Agreements enable visibility and forecasting into existing customers for run rate businesses. When you integrate Salesforce Field Service and/or Service Max Asset360, you’re able to track mobile inventory by vehicle. This allows for rolling up data to shops, districts, and regions rather than having district and regional managers duplicating work by trying to track where the inventory is held. Coupled with Manufacturing Cloud Advanced Forecasting, these visits can now be planned, tracked, and analyzed.
Partner Visit Management enables you to create Action Plans as formal templates, adding predefined Generic Assessment Tasks. Once published, sales and service reps are able to generate plans and tasks.
Assessment Indicator Definitions allow you to define the key metrics whereby you register value. Generic Visit Key Performance Indicators then enable deep reporting, comparing Plan vs Actual visit results.
Whether it’s tracking inventory, generating plans, or defining your reporting results, Manufacturing Cloud can help your run rate business to run more efficiently. I am a huge fan, and am here to help if you have any questions!
Karl Knight
Consultant at Uptima